Contact Us

2729 Center Road
Poland, OH 44514


  • Sacrament of Baptism

    Celebrated on Sunday at 1:00pm (following the 12:00 Mass).  Baptism classes are usually held on the Third Thursday of the month at 7:00pm.  Please call the Parish Office for details. 

  • Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)

    Saturday 3:00-3:30pm (Reconciliation Chapel located off the Day Chapel- not in Worship area) or at any time by appointment (330-757-1545).  Additional times are scheduled before Christmas and Easter.  

    **First Reconciliation for students in second grade takes place usually in March.  This is preced by classroom formation beginning in Sptember and a parent meeting in October.  For studnets not in second grade who are still in need of making their First Reconciliation, please contact the DRE at 330-757-1545.

  • Sacrament of Holy Communion

    Check the Mass schedule for opportunities to receive Holy Communion.  

    *Communion for Sick or Shut-ins- Plese feel free to call the Parish Office.  We are more than willing to minister those who are unable to come to Mass.

    *First Communion for students in second grade usually takes place in May.  This is preceded by classroom formation beginning in September and a parent meeting.  For students not in second grade who are still in need of making First Communion, please contact Mrs. Marnie Kelty at 330-757-1545.

  • Sacrament of Confirmation

    Celebrated once a year at the Cathedral for adult Catholic who have not yet been confirmed.  Contact the Director of Religious Education for more details.  Adult Catholics can also participate in RCIA and be confirmed during the Easter Vigil. 

    (Confrmation for students in eighth grade takes place annually according to the Bishop's schedule, typically in March.  This is preceded by classroom formation beginning in September, several additional catechetical sessions, and a parent meeting in October.  Indivudals in high school or older who have not recieved  the Sacrament of Confirmation should contact Mrs. Marnie Kelty at 330-757-1545, to discuss formation and receiving the Sacrament.  

  • Sacrament of Marriage

    Couples planning to marry should contact a priest of the parish at least six months before the desired date.  Marriage preparation is required.  This is a Diocesan Policy. 

  • Sacrament of Holy Orders

    Men who feel called to the priesthood or deaconate need to discern that calling with the help of the Church.  If you think you may have a religious vocation, contact Fr. Martin Celuch at 330-757-1545. 

  • Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick

    Celebrated with Mass twice a year at six month intervals- for those weaked by age, and chronic ailment, or in preparation for surgery.  Also, privately upon request at any time.

    *Hospital Visitation- Please notify the Parish Office if any family member is ill or confined for any reason.

    *Arranging a Funeral- Please call the Parish Office to arrange for planning the LIturgy and setting time for the vigil service and funeral Liturgy.  The planning is best begun as soon as possible. 

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