The Holy Family Adult Choir leads the singing at the 10:00am Mass from September to June. Rehearsals take place on Sunday mornings before and after the 10:00am Mass
The Contemporary Music Ensemble leads the singing on the first Sunday of each month at the 12:00pm Mass. Rehearsals take place before the liturgy or are announced.
The Resurrection Choir sings at all funerals held in our Parish. Rehersals take place prior to the funeral. Vocalists and instrumentalists of high school age and older are welcome to participate in all the groups noted above.
The Holy Family Bell Choir welcomes all persons of high school age and older to join. Rehearsals are weekly on Tuesday at 6:00pm or Saturday at 3:00pm in the church. The Bell Choir provides music on special occasions throughout the year, from September through May. A schedule of performances is provided.
The Holy Family Parish Youth Choir welcomes all young persons of the Parish in grades 4-12 interested in learning more about music, singing, and the Liturgy. The youth choir season runs from September to the end of the published spring events having one rehearsal weekly. The choristers serve as music ministers once a month at Sunday or special liturgies.
Rehearsals are on Wednesdays in the church from 4-4:40 PM, unless otherwise notified.
Cherub Choir
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