Holy Family Parish welcomes children in grades Preschool through 4th Grade to experience the readings of the Mass on their level. The Preschool and Kindergarten children meet in the Bride's Room before the 10:00am Mass. The 1st through 4th grade children are dismissed from the church to the Fr. Conley Chapel by an adult volunteer Catechist before the Liturgy of the Word begins. All the children return to Mass prior to the Presentation of the Gifts.
Children's Liturgy of the Word takes place during the 10:00am Mass during the school year (September - May). Volunteer Catechists must be fully compliant. Pflaum Gospel Weeklies and Children's Worship Bulletins are used for these weekly lessons.
If you are interested in sharing your time, talent, and love of your faith with the children of our parish, please contact Mrs. Marnie Kelty or Mrs. Stephanie Markey.